How Wyatt Saved $80,000 a Year by Implementing Shout
Learn how Shout's bot feature and texting phone number helped Wyatt streamline his business and save $80,000 annually.

Two years ago, Wyatt took over a marketing software company that was outsourcing basic customer service inquiries to a call center. This call center focused on gathering basic customer information like names, emails, phone numbers, and the nature of their problems.
After acquiring this information, they would email an overview of each customer inquiry to their internal sales or support team so they could call the customer back and resolve the issue in-house.
The Problem
Working with this call center to gather preliminary customer information was costing Wyatt more than $3,500 per month.
Wyatt's Approach
Wyatt implemented Shout’s bot feature and a texting phone number to completely replace the outsourced call center and reduce overhead expenses.
Bots: Instead of having the call center gather customer information, Shout Bots were able to do this automatically and route the request to the appropriate team via Shout channels.
Texting Phone Number: Wyatt moved support and sales employees to remote positions because customers could respond via text rather than dialing into a specific call center. To prepare for their roles, the sales and support team simply downloaded the Shout app and handled support and sales requests as they came in via text.
Without the need to have a quiet office for employees to take calls, Wyatt was able to drastically reduce his overhead expenses.
By implementing Shout Bots and Texting Phone Numbers, Wyatt significantly reduced the customer support expenses and completely eliminated overhead expenses for phones and office space altogether. Utilizing Shout’s features reduced Wyatt’s total monthly expenses for sales and customer service from $8,500 to just $2,000 a month. That’s an annual savings of nearly $80,000.
Interested in using text for your business? Click here to get started with Shout.
When you're ready to send your first bot, click here to learn how.
Thanks to Shout, Wyatt enacted a fundamental shift in his business operations, significantly reduced his operating costs, and created more sustainable processes that can be accomplished by anyone, anywhere.
It’s no secret that starting a business can require a huge investment, but you shouldn’t have to invest in things that can be automated. That’s why we created Shout. Sign up for Shout free today so you can budget more money (and time!) into the things you care about most.